To be selected as a UC Clermont College student athlete within our Athletic Program is a privilege that is not to be taken lightly. As you will be representing UC Clermont at all home and away games, not to mention by your day-to-day actions as a known student athlete on our campus, you will be held to behavior that models high standards of character and good sportsmanship regarding what you say and what you do, academically as well as athletically. Any breech of this may be cause for temporary removal or permanent dismissal from the UC Clermont College Athletic Program as being a behavior as defined by UC Clermont College that is inappropriate and/or lacking in the intended spirit of our Athletic Program. Your status as a UC Clermont matriculated student is, of course, additionally governed by the University of Cincinnati, Student Code of Conduct (SCOC).

Behaviors that will not be tolerated:

  • Failure to recognize that you are a student first and an athlete second, which requires commitment and participation in your academics as well as your sport.
  • Actions against another student, athlete or otherwise, be they from UC Clermont or another college, that are uncivil, harassing, threatening and/or disruptive in any way.
  • Actions against coaches, officials, faculty, college administrators, workers or volunteers who are involved in our Athletic Program that are uncivil, harassing, threatening and/or disruptive in any way.
  • Communicating images, verbiage, texting, etc., on any cell phone, email, electronic device or form of social media that disparages another student athlete or that self-represents the sender personally in an inappropriate light as an unfit representative of UC Clermont’s Athletic Program. 
  • Possession, use and/or distribution of alcohol, illegal drugs or narcotics.
  • Improper/illegal use of tobacco and prescription drugs.
  • Representing oneself inappropriately in the community to the detriment of the image and reputation of UC Clermont College and/or our Athletic Program.
  • Misuse or theft of Athletic Program equipment.
  • Causing damage to hotels, restaurants and other facilities, as well as to modes of transportation, that are utilized during Athletic Program events.
  • Failure to return UC Clermont distributed gear, as required, at the end of the season, i.e. athletic bags, athletic uniforms, etc.
  • Other behaviors that are inappropriate and may be construed as being detrimental to the image and reputation of UC Clermont College and our Athletic Program. These may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and may result in a suspension, or being released from the team entirely.
  • Any action/activity determined to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct may result in a suspension, or being released from the team entirely; it is the student’s responsibility to know and comply with this document, which can be accessed at