Email & Wireless
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 is the official student email service at UC. You can access it anywhere you have Internet access. Office 365 is more than just email. Students can access a lot of great Microsoft Office tools, including:
- Microsoft Office 365 is a collaborative, cloud-based suite of productivity tools that are accessible to all UC students, faculty, and staff.
- This all-in-one service incorporates popular Microsoft apps including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, and Teams.
- Office 365 allows you to email, share important calendar dates, manage online file storage, and collaborate on projects.
Access Office 365
Follow the instructions below to access your Office 365 account.
- Sign into Office 365 at with your UC username and password.
- Navigate to the app launcher (waffle menu) on the top, left-hand side of the screen.
- Select tools from the list of apps.
Get helpful how-to instructions for Office 365 in the IT Knowledge Base. We've linked directly to many of them below.
Internet and Wireless Services
Wireless Printing available in:
- Library
- Outside of Snyder S166
Visit and logon using your UC Credentials for details. NOTE: You must be on campus or on the VPN to access this site.
Wireless On-Campus Services
Stay connected with wireless internet access. Get helpful how-to instructions in the IT Knowledge Base to connect your computer and wireless devices. We've linked directly to many of them below.
UC_Secure Wireless
Sign into UC_Secure with your UC username and password to connect your computer, laptop, phone, or tablet. You may be prompted to accept the “” certificate on each device you use to connect to UC_Secure on campus.
We recommend that you download the latest version of the software for your wireless card, so that you have the latest drivers and bug fixes.
UC_Guest Wireless
UC_Guest provides wireless internet connectivity for visitors to UC's campus.
EduRoam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. EduRoam allows students, researchers, and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity to their home campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop and selecting EduRoam from the list of available wireless networks.